
Adobe Certification

Adobe Certified Professional is the industry-recognized certification that demonstrates mastery of Adobe Creative Cloud software and must-have knowledge. For more information on the Certification exam, click here

Step 1: Purchase a Voucher for Adobe Exam Exam

You first need a voucher to take the test.
Click here to purchase a Voucher from Certiport for an Adobe Exam.
Click here to purchase a Voucher from Certiport for an Adobe Exam.

Step 2: Purchase a Practice Test for Adobe Exam (Optional)

Click here to purchase Practice Test from Certiport (Optional).
Click here to purchase the eCourse and Practice Test from Certiport (Optional).

Step 3: Schedule an Adobe exam and pay the proctoring fee

When you are ready to take the test, you will need to schedule the exam and pay $30 for the proctoring fee.
Click here to schedule an Adobe exam at the NRCLC testing center and pay $30 for the proctoring fee.

Step 4: On the day of the Exam

On the day of the exam, you will need to bring the following items with you:
1. Apple Exam voucher code to take the exam.
2. An official ID with picture and signature (Drivers license will do)
3. Receipt of online payment for proctoring fee.